The Gut Microbiome Conference has become a successful event for keeping healthcare professionals and scientists informed about the latest advances in human microbiome science. This one-of-a-kind platform provides attendees the opportunity to interact with the leading authorities on gut microbiome research and education.
The Gut Microbiome Conference was conceived in 2013 as a mechanism for bringing together local and national scientists, physicians, and other health care providers with direct research and clinical interest in modulating the gut microbiome to improve human health. Forums such as these play a key role in immersing both clinicians and researchers in a comprehensive educational experience designed to explore the gut microbiome and the potential to revolutionize the management of not only infectious disease states, but also a broad range of other conditions in which the microbiome plays a critical role. Data suggests that the microbiota play an important role in the development and perpetuation of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), obesity, celiac disease, and—potentially—in fatty liver disease, among many other conditions.
The faculty is led by program directors, Mark Pimentel, MD, Ruchi Mathur, MD and Ian Carrol, PhD. The directors are assembling a world-class faculty of global and regionally-renowned clinical experts who will assist in the development of the conference educational content. Faculty members will provide critical information and deliver a focused educational update on the most clinically-relevant evolving data on existing treatment, diagnostic modalities, advances in new treatment options and on improving patient outcomes. Currently, topics planned to be covered include the role of the microbiota in IBS, IBD, obesity, fatty liver disease, celiac disease, cancer, and neurological conditions.
The conference format of the meeting will consist of plenary lectures, interactive case-based presentations, and panel discussions with ample time provided for direct interaction both at the formal meetings and after each presentation. Cutting edge updates and lively interactions with the audience give the Gut Microbiome Conference attendees an excellent opportunity to ask leaders in the field questions about diagnosis and treatment associated with the microbiome.